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OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories
Welcome to the small animals section of OzPets. Here you will find articles of interest, breed reviews, small animal products, breeders and clubs.
Katrina Warren’s Essential Guide To Caring for Guinea Pigs 20/01/10
G-Force explodes on DISNEY DVD AND BLU-RAY 19/11/09
Instructions for Care of Your Rabbit 05/10/08
Take care of your rabbit this Easter 18/04/08
Mice as Pets 13/03/07
Cavy (or Guinea Pig) 13/03/07
Ferret 13/03/07
The First Week With Your New Rabbit 06/02/07
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Smokey, Biscuit & Boofy Smokey, Biscuit & Boofy Coco

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The rabbit with the longest ears on record is a fawn English lop. His ears measure 74.3 cm long and 18.7 wide.

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

silver agouti dutch ca...

PetGallery - Pet Photos and Pictures

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories